My career

I’ve been aware of ecology since my childhood, following the established pathways we are presented, sometimes encountering difficulties, including in my schooling. I then joined the work world without much ambition as it is the way of life that is presented by default. Going from one job to another to work in teaching, IT or security, I never found my place.
As an adult I have enlarged my approach on the environmental and societal questions, realising that the system of society globally spread on our planet is despising the natural functioning of ecosystems, putting humans apart instead of considering them as one of the elements part of the same whole. I am not the only one who made this ascertainment: concepts such as degrowth and simple living (see further for definitions) are part of the zeitgeist.

It appears that for most people it seems difficult to discern other ways of life than those presented, encouraged (or even imposed?) by society. I consider that this society fell into a vicious circle of over production: from the benefits drawn from modernity to “ease life” with the industrial revolution to a progressive shift towards a system of one-upmanship in which the population is being lured by fast pleasures linked to the consumer society and its over producing economy whose consequences are disastrous for the planet.
Many people are not listening to themselves anymore, they do not know how to stay “with themselves” without distractions, they consume (entertainment, media, quick pleasures rather than happiness) in order to fill an “inner void” which they cannot tame anymore. The link with nature and its unwinding benefits is often broken or faint.

Groomed from the earliest years, it is difficult not to follow the over beaten tracks presented by our society in order to follow one’s own way. I consequently encountered several obstacles looming ahead of me and my aspirations to conform more with the environment and my essential needs − they scarcely fit within the established norm. Thus a few years ago I left Paris to move back to my home area. It allowed me to garden again and to spend more time in touch with nature. Realising this brought me a lot of wellness I’ve decided to concentrate my activity in those fields and to share them with others. I therefore put forwards my ideas and passions in the interest of nature and the Earth. My website is bilingual because I can make it so, I like languages and this allows to reach a greater number of persons.


“Degrowth (French: décroissance) is a term used for both a political, economic, and social movement as well as a set of theories that critiques the paradigm of economic growth. It is based on ideas from a diverse range of lines of thought such as political ecology, ecological economics, feminist political ecology, and environmental justice. Degrowth emphasizes the need to reduce global consumption and production (social metabolism) and advocates a socially just and ecologically sustainable society with well-being replacing GDP as the indicator of prosperity. Degrowth highlights the importance of autonomy, care work, self-organization, commons, community, localism, work sharing, happiness and conviviality.” – Wikipedia

Simple living:
“Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one’s lifestyle. These may include, for example, reducing one’s possessions, generally referred to as minimalism, or increasing self-sufficiency. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than want.” – Wikipedia


Interested in the principles of degrowth and in leading a simpler lifestyle, I’m gardening with love in the French Northwest. Wishing to live out of this passion, I was lead to open this online shop in order to sell seeds from plants I’m growing, without any chemical product. You can learn more about my career here.
I plan to share my experiences with you, and also maybe my thoughts, reflections and research.
I also have a deep interest in mythology, folklore and history, and this impacts my gardening approach, would it only be in the selection of crops I’m growing.